To resize or not to resize. That is the question.

Re-estimating user stories in a Scrum team When working with a Scrum team as an Agile Coach or Scrum Master, I inevitably run into theĀ  question what to do with user stories that are ‘left over’ (not completed) when the sprint ends. Should they be...

Scrum vs kanban

A couple of years ago I gave a presentation at a conference on the difference between Scrum and Kanban. I used prezi, here is the presentation: Jasper Verdooren  

Getting better at retrospectives

Retrospectives are much more than sitting down and discussing what went well, what not so well and what we can improve. Doing retrospectices is an art, which – like any art – takes practice. If you feel yourself in need of some imput to improve your...

How to learn more about Scrum

By popular request, here are some resources (books, sites etc) to learn (more) about Scrum: Books: Agile retrospectices: Making Good Teams Great – Esther Derby & Diana Larson | Amazon | The most-read book on retrospectives Agile Product Mangement with Scrum...